Electro-synthesis: the CONDIAS Synthesis StarterKit with DIACHEM(R) BDD anode

The aim of EBIO project is to generate energy dense biofuels through electrochemical transformation of intermediate liquified biomass. This video shows in simple terms a Steel Sandwich Cell with a DIACHEM® anode, provided by project partners CONDIAS, and how with just a few parts of relatively basic equipment electrosynthesis can be carried out. The process is modular, simple, adaptable, and easy to implement.

This is the basis of the EBIO project and is explained even further in this simple animation series: https://www.ebio-h2020.eu/news/ebio-animation-series/

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EBIO Webinar #4 Recording now available

In case you missed our final EBIO webinar, the full recording is now accessible on the EBIO YouTube channel. Find out more about the presentation and Q&A sessions.