The Project

EBIO aims at generating energy dense biofuels through electrochemical transformation of intermediate liquified biomass.
Launched in December 2020 with a budget of around 4M Euro, EBIO is a H2020 project that brings together partners from all over Europe with the goal of turning low value crude bio liquids into sustainable road transport fuels.
The consortium is built in order to create synergies between research, industrial and innovation partners with a shared target of developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies.

The challenge

The availability of compact cost-efficient solutions for sustainable energy production is essential for renewables to become Europe’s dominant primary energy source. EBIO will contribute to achieve the EU’s ambitious objective, by providing an innovative technical solution for the sustainable and socially acceptable conversion of low value crude bio liquids, specifically fast pyrolysis oil and black liquor, into energy dense transport fuels.

4 main objectives

Develop sustainable process designs

Process integration schemes for plants in operation, with minimal impact on current operation, combined with process design schemes for new biorefineries with significant changes resulting in minimised costs and optimised revenues.

Electrochemical system for pyrolysis and lignin value chains

Based on paired electrochemistry a simple and safe process will be developed for pyrolysis oil and lignin value chains, which operates in mild conditions. The aim is to achieve high efficiency and selectivity towards oxidative liquid depolymerisation/ decarboxylation and reductive hydrogenation of any unstable ketones and aldehydes.

Develop electrocatalysis & electrode design

The paired electrolysis requires improvements in electrolyser design, evaluation of process parameters and optimising implementation rules. Existing technology platforms will be optimised to ensure high performance and value output for the specific bio-material stream.

Production of energy dense carriers

A lab scale validated (TRL4), integrated process provides the proof of concept for the electrochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into green fuels, platform chemicals and high-value compounds. The integrated process forms the basis for further scale up activities beyond the current proposal to TRL 5 to 7, enabling participation of key stakeholders (end users, engineering companies and investors).

Impacts of EBIO’S project

Towards a sustainable renewable energy system

Generate knowledge

Study new options for renewable energy generation

Produce bio-based components

Facilitate technology uptake
